Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Get Your Tail Wagging

Hello Friends of Friend of Dogs!

What a year last year was and what a year this one is shaping up to be!

Things may seem a little uncertain, even off-putting, but remember you can always count on dogs to lift your spirits and make things seem a little less daunting. 

To that end, here's some news, stories, and a bit of puppy love to get you through the day. 

From the New York Times: 

In a Miserable Year, I Had the Dodgers and a Stray Dog

From the UK Independent

Puppy Pipeline runs from Georgia Northward to Adoptive Homes

and perhaps my favorite story of late...

From CNN no less! 

With our present situation, there has never been a better time to foster and adopt a dog. If you live on the Upper East Side of New York City, Friend of Dogs is here to help you with your dogwalking needs. 

Give them love, give them food, go do your Zoom call. We've got your back. 

Until next time, stay safe, stay happy, pet your dog!

Friend of Dogs